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Version: 4.5

Unit testing components

If you need to add unit tests to your components to check some behavior you might want avoid dealing with network fetch cycle as that is probably orthogonal to what your are trying to test. Using \<MockProvider /> in our tests allow us to prime the cache with provided fixtures so the components will immediately render with said results.


export default {
full: [
request: ArticleResource.listShape(),
params: { maxResults: 10 },
result: [
id: 5,
content: 'have a merry christmas',
author: 2,
contributors: [],
id: 532,
content: 'never again',
author: 23,
contributors: [5],
empty: [
request: ArticleResource.listShape(),
params: { maxResults: 10 },
result: [],
loading: [],


import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import { MockProvider } from '@rest-hooks/test';

import ArticleList from 'components/ArticleList';
import results from './fixtures';

describe('<ArticleList />', () => {
it('renders', () => {
const tree = (
<MockProvider results={results.full}>
<ArticleList maxResults={10} />
const { queryByText } = render(tree);
const content = queryByText(results.full.result[0].content);