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Version: 5.2

Typing REST Endpoints

In REST design, many operations can be performed on a given type of data.

Attaching these operations to the type via static methods allows

  • A singular import for both class usage, typing, and endpoints
  • Reducing code duplication by extracting common patterns into base classes

Resource provides one such pattern, which makes getting started fast. However, even if the pattern generally matches your API design, there are often special operations or one-off cases where additional endpoints must be extended or added.



RestEndpoint type is provided to conveniently declare Resource Endpoints.

F extends FetchFunction = RestFetch,
S extends Schema | undefined = Schema | undefined,
M extends true | undefined = true | undefined


Here's an example of each endpoint's return typed followed by usage. For a full explanation, continue reading below.

import { Resource, RestEndpoint, RestFetch } from '@rest-hooks/rest';

class MyResource extends Resource {
static list<T extends typeof Resource>(
this: T,
): RestEndpoint<RestFetch, SchemaList<AbstractInstanceType<T>>, undefined> {
return super.list();

static create<T extends typeof Resource>(
this: T,
): RestEndpoint<
> {
return super.create();

static filteredAndPaginatedList<T extends typeof Resource>(
this: T,
): RestEndpoint<
RestFetch<[{ filterA: boolean; sortby: string }]>,
{ results: T[]; nextPage: string },
> {
return super.list().extend({ schema: { results: [this], nextPage: '' } });
import MyResource from 'resources/MyResource';
import { useSuspense, useController } from 'rest-hooks';

const items = useSuspense(MyResource.list());
const { fetch } = useController();
const createMy = payload => fetch(MyResource.create(), payload);
const { results, nextPage } = useSuspense(
{ filterA: true, sortby: 'first' },


To reduce code bloat, make development faster, reducing maintenance costs and reduce errors it is recommended to share common patterns in parent classes, and only specify what is specific to a given resource in that resource's class. Oftentimes this looks like simply its expected members and a pk() definition (though if you use a common field for pk() - you can also pull that up).

Resource is an example attempt that is useful for many common REST patterns that can be further extended and easily customized like so:

class User {
readonly id: string = '';
readonly username: string = '';
readonly createdAt: Date = new Date();

pk() {

static schema = {
createdAt: Date,

static detail() {
return new Endpoint(
({ id }: { id: string }) => fetch(`/user/${id}`).then(res => res.json()),
{ schema: User },

static list() {
return new Endpoint(() => fetch(`/user`).then(res => res.json()), {
schema: [User],

// ...even more endpoints for this Resource defined below

class Post extends Resource {
readonly id: string = '';
readonly title: string = '';
readonly content: string = '';

pk() {

static detail() {
return new Endpoint(
({ id }: { id: string }) => fetch(`/post/${id}`).then(res => res.json()),
{ schema: Post },

static list() {
return new Endpoint(() => fetch(`/post`).then(res => res.json()), {
schema: [Post],

// ...even more endpoints for this Resource defined below

Even in this overly simplistic case we're more than halving the lines of code. Once the complexities of the real world kick in, this improvement expands.

However, we now have a problem. Before we were explictily specifying the Endpoints' expected shape via the schema. Now it if we use the common methods like .detail() we lose our typing information.

Generics, static methods, and this

To explain the solution - generic this - let's simplify the example.

Here we'll define a static method that returns the type of the class - Base.

class Base {
static factory(): Base {
const obj = new this();
obj.extra = 5;
return obj;

If we inspect the runtime value, it says the type is Base.

// type is Base
const obj = Base.factory();
// print Base
console.log(typeof obj);

Now we extend that class

class Child extends Base {
another = 5;

And call the same static method

// type is Base
const obj = Child.factory();
// print Child
console.log(typeof obj);

TypeScript will implicitly type obj as Base, but at runtime, we can see it's really Child

Solution: generics

Generics in TypeScript can be attached to parameters in any function and automatically inferred. Since this is implicit, TypeScript allows you to explictly bind this if you want a method's return type based on it:

class Base {
static factory<T extends Base>(this: T): T {
const obj = new this();
obj.extra = 5;
return obj;
// type is Child
const obj = Child.factory();
// print Child
console.log(typeof obj);

Now when we call the method defined in Base on any descendant, it is typed appropriately!

A limitation

While generic this is powerful in allowing correct typing even for inherited classes, it has one annoying bug: super calls incorrectly resolve to the constraint, rather than the generic.

class Child extends Base {
extra: number = 0;

static factory<T extends Base>(this: T): T {
const obj = super.factory();
obj.extra = 2;
// @ts-expect-error - typescript says obj is not compatible with T
return obj;


any is mostly to be avoided, but since we are careful to type our return type correctly in the method, we can be confident the rest of our code will still be protected.

class Child extends Base {
extra: number = 0;

static factory<T extends Base>(this: T): T {
const obj = super.factory();
obj.extra = 2;
return obj as any;

This is only needed if we are setting the type directly from the super call. We'll see below we only need to do this when we retain the schema from the super call. This is also not necessary if this.method() is called as this bug only affects super

As Resource

Applying this to our original example, we get something along the lines of:

class Resource {
static detail<T extends typeof Resource>(this: T) {
return new Endpoint(
props => fetch(this.url(props)).then(res => res.json()),
{ schema: this },

static list<T extends typeof Resource>(this: T) {
return new Endpoint(
props => fetch(this.listUrl(props)).then(res => res.json()),
{ schema: [this] },

Extending and adding endpoints

This means any time we define our own custom endpoints we should be sure to include generics so the types are alwalys correct.

For instance, we can change the expected response of the API to have the resource inside the 'data' attribute:

class User extends Resource {
static detail<T extends typeof Resource>(this: T) {
return super.detail().extend({ schema: { data: this } });

If we were to explicitly type thing, we could use RestEndpoint

// typeof result is { data: User }
const result = useSuspense(User.detail(), { id });
import { RestEndpoint, RestFetch, Resource } from '@rest-hooks/rest';

class User extends Resource {
static detail<T extends typeof Resource>(
this: T,
): RestEndpoint<RestFetch, { data: T }, undefined> {
return super.detail().extend({ schema: { data: this } });

const { data: user } = useSuspense(User.detail(), { id: '5' });

Typing rules of thumb

Generally you want to type return values as specific as possible, but accept function arguments as loose as possible (like in hooks). To follow this principal: