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Version: 5.0


export default function useLoading<F extends (...args: any) => Promise<any>>(
func: F,
onError?: (error: Error) => void,
): [F, boolean];

Helps track loading state of imperative async functions.

import { useLoading } from '@rest-hooks/hooks';

function Button({ onClick, children, ...props }) {
const [clickHandler, loading, error] = useLoading(onClick);
return (
<button onClick={clickHandler} {...props}>
{loading ? 'Loading...' : children}

Part of @rest-hooks/hooks

Todo toggle example

import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { useFetcher } from 'rest-hooks';
import { useLoading } from '@rest-hooks/hooks';

import TodoResource from 'resources/TodoResource';

interface Props {
todo: TodoResource;

function TodoListItem({ todo }) {
const partialUpdate = useFetcher(TodoResource.partialUpdate());

const toggle = useCallback(
(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
partialUpdate({ id }, { completed: e.currentTarget.checked }),

const [toggleHandler, loading, error] = useLoading(toggle);

return (
{loading ? <Spinner /> : null}
{error ? <Error>{error}</Error> : null}