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Version: 4.5


function useResourceNew(fetchShape: ReadShape, params: object | null):
Denormalized<typeof fetchShape.schema>;

function useResourceNew(...[fetchShape: ReadShape, params: object | null]):
Denormalized<typeof fetchShape.schema>[];
function useResourceNew<
Params extends Readonly<object>,
Body extends Readonly<object | string> | void,
S extends Schema
>(fetchShape: ReadShape<S, Params, Body>, params: Params | null): Denormalized<S>;

function useResourceNew<
Params extends Readonly<object>,
Body extends Readonly<object | string> | void,
S extends Schema
>(...[fetchShape: ReadShape<S, Params, Body>, params: Params | null]): Denormalized<S>[];

Rest Hooks 3.0

This is the future default behavior of useResource() in version 3.0.

  • 3.0 will keep the legacy version as useResourceLegacy()
  • 3.1 will remove both useResourceLegacy() and useResourceNew(), leaving this behavior in useResource()

Excellent for retrieving the data you need.

Cache policy is Stale-While-Revalidate by default but also configurable.

  • Triggers fetch:
    • On first-render and when parameters change
    • and When not in cache or result is considered stale
    • and When no identical requests are in flight
    • and when params are not null
  • On Error (404, 500, etc):
  • While Loading:


function Post({ id }: { id: number }) {
const post = useResourceNew(PostResource.detailShape(), { id });
// post as PostResource


function Posts() {
const posts = useResourceNew(PostResource.listShape(), {});
// posts as PostResource[]


function Posts() {
const [user, posts] = useResourceNew(
[UserResource.detailShape(), { id: userId }],
[PostResource.listShape(), { userId }],
// user as UserResource
// posts as PostResource[]


function PostWithAuthor() {
const post = useResourceNew(PostResource.detailShape(), { id });
// post as PostResource
const author = useResourceNew(UserResource.detailShape(), {
id: post.userId,
// author as UserResource

Paginated data

When entities are stored in nested structures, that structure will remain.

export class PaginatedPostResource extends Resource {
readonly id: number | null = null;
readonly title: string = '';
readonly content: string = '';

static urlRoot = '';

static listShape<T extends typeof Resource>(this: T) {
return {
schema: { results: [this.getEntitySchema()], nextPage: '', lastPage: '' },
function ArticleList({ page }: { page: string }) {
const { results: posts, nextPage, lastPage } = useResourceNew(
{ page },
// posts as PaginatedPostResource[]

Useful FetchShapes to send

Resource provides these built-in:

  • detailShape()
  • listShape()

Feel free to add your own FetchShape as well.