Highlights of 7.1-7.4 of @rest-hooks/rest include
- Resource.extend() making Resource customization much easier
- paginationField - a new option for createResource and RestEndpoint for a more terse handling of the most common pagination patterns
builds a great starting point, but often endpoints need to be further customized.
extend() is polymorphic with three forms:
Batch extension of known members
export const CommentResource = createResource({
path: '/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id',
schema: Comment,
getList: { path: '/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments' },
update: { body: { body: '' } },
Adding new members
export const UserResource = createResource({
path: '/users/:login',
schema: User,
}).extend('current', {
path: '/user',
schema: User,
Function form (to get BaseResource/super)
export const IssueResource= createResource({
path: '/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number',
schema: Issue,
pollFrequency: 60000,
searchParams: {} as IssueFilters | undefined,
}).extend(BaseResource => ({
search: BaseResource.getList.extend({
path: '/search/issues\\?q=:q?%20repo\\::owner/:repo&page=:page?',
schema: {
results: {
incompleteResults: false,
items: BaseIssueResource.getList.schema.results,
totalCount: 0,
link: '',
is added to both createResource and RestEndpoint
When provided, adds a specialized extender (like push/unshift/assign) to the list. This also only works with collections.
const TodoResource = createResource({
path: '/todos/:id',
schema: Todo,
paginationField: 'page',
}).getList.getPage({ page: '2' });